Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blog Name

Those of you who know me are likely wondering: what took you so long?  We have our family blog, a political discussion blog, how did BYU Sports escape my blogging before now? 

Well, dear friends, wonder no longer.  The time has come.  

What better year to start than this one?  Since our national championship in 1984, and the follow-up in 1985, I don't think expectations have been higher or national attention this intense as it is right now for the Brigham Young football program.  

Coach Bronco Mendenhall has re-installed the pride and vision of old, combined with his own intense brand of discipline, focus, and determination.  

The name for this blog comes of course from the account in the Book of Mormon of the army of 2,000 young men bound by their belief in their God and each other, and led by the man Helaman to miraculous feats on the battle field, where many were injured, but not a single of their number were killed.  

Bronco himself on becoming head coach 4 years ago used this account as analogy to his football team and the young men in it.  I like it as a symbol of the unique combination of a "band of brothers" going to physical battle, and the religious and moral purpose that drives them.  

So there we the next post I'll review where we are and what's brought us to this point, then we will look forward to the next games.

Hey, I needed something to fill the bye week!  ;-)

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